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Preferred Landscaper: If you choose Verde Turf & Outdoors, our preferred and trusted Austin landscaper, to prep your yard, they will ensure the below leveling requirements are met, and you do not need to read this. They have extensive experience prepping Delphina Pools.

Another Landscaper or Prepping Yourself: If you hire another landscaper or do the work yourself, please read each category closely to ensure the spot is leveled correctly. Once you're done, please contact us at, and we will send someone over to review the work and the Pre-Install Checklist. We add on a surcharge of $300 per visit to account for this review if you're in the greater Austin area. There is no fee if you use our preferred landscaper.


  • 1 - Leveling Size:

    • You must ensure the size of the leveled space meets these specs:​​​​​​

Leveling Requirements
  • 2 - Slope Tolerance:

    • The pool foundation must be leveled to a less than 1” slope across the entire area. We measure the slope using a ZipLevel tool. If you would like to borrow this tool to confirm that your area is a <1" slope, please email us at​


  • 3 - Leveling Techniques:

    • OPTION 1: No retaining retaining structure. Just level the ground. Only an option if your yard is already within a ~2 slope.

    • OPTION 2: Build a retaining structure and fill it with compacted material. 

    • OPTION 3: Pour a concrete slab. Note that concrete counts as impervious coverage.


  • 4 - Retaining Wall Materials:

    • Recommended: To achieve a level foundation across the entire area, it may be necessary for one, multiple, or all sides to be elevated with a retaining wall. This is likely as most people’s yards are not perfectly flat. If you proceed with this option, use a 3/16” gauge or thicker welded steel or stone as a perimeter.

    • Not Recommended: When creating a retaining wall, do not use wood, poly board, or interlocking steel. These will not maintain the integrity of your foundation over time.


  • 5 - Fill-In Materials:

    • ​The materials we have found to provide the best foundation for your Delphina Pool are either concrete, compacted 1/4 minus crushed granite, or compacted 3/8” limestone screenings.  

    • To ensure the longevity of your foundation, if you are using crushed stone as your base, it is recommended to use at least 1” - 2”.  If you are backfilling a depth greater than 2”, use road-base backfill before topping with 2” of one of the compacted crushed rocks listed above.


  • 6 - Compacting the Fill-In Materials:

    • Upon installation of the crushed stone, it must be compacted using a power plate compactor.  Hand compacting with a tamper does not create enough force to achieve the base hardness needed. When the area is compacted correctly, it will not move when walked on.


  • 7 - Free of Debris:

    • The leveled space must be free of any rocks, gravel, grass, or debris. There cannot be any type of gravel on the space.


  • 8 - Soft Surrounding Area:

    • ​Because Delphina Pools are above-ground, sitting or playing on the pool edges creates a fall risk. If you have children, we highly recommend avoiding sharp or hard landscaping materials like rocks, bricks, hard dirt, or concrete around the pool area. Instead, consider the softer ground options here


  • 9 - Tarp:

    • After leveling, we suggest covering the space in a 12x20 waterproof tarp to prevent any damage from rain, wind, or other elements before installation. This tarp size is readily available on Amazon or at any hardware store.

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